Compete with teams to win the war by raising money for The New Foster Care. Draft your troops before the battle begins December 5th!
For the first time, Penny Wars is open for anyone to participate. Compete with teams to win Penny Wars and raise money for young people with experience in foster care. Last year we raised a whopping $10,000 for our Bridge Program participants, this year we hope to raise $15,000 to help 49 young people in need of Licenses, Social Security Cards, Birth Certificates, Christmas Gifts, and more.
To learn more about penny wars and the rules, read the PDF below or visit: www.TheNewFosterCare.org/penny-wars
If you would like to create a team, reach out to Hannah McPeak, hmcpeak@TheNewFosterCare.org, to add your slot on the leaderboard.
Updates for the leaderboard, goal thermometer, and live feed, can also be found at: