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Administrative Support
Assist TNFC with administrative duties such as maintaining the front desk, data input, storage organization and updating resources!

Event & Outreach Support
Participate in and Assist with TNFC
Events and Outreach Activities in the community!

Transporter & Delivery Support
Help our participants get to important appointments, events & more! Assist in getting important items to participants such as a Thanksgiving Dinner or Christmas Gifts.

Provide participants with employment opportunities and mentor them through their employment role!

Skills Training Volunteer
Engage and Educate TNFC participants through life skills education support of your expertise. i.e. car repairs, yoga, cooking, etc.

This volunteer role involves joining a team of men and women who are dedicated to supporting and uplifting TNFC through intercessory prayer.

Charitable Contributor
Contribute financially or by donating items to meet the needs of the participants, thus positively influencing their lives and demonstrating TNFC's mission and values.

This volunteer role promotes the vision, supports the work, and raises awareness of important issues pertaining to TNFC's mission to make a transformative change in the Michigan foster care system.