Fostering Success Michigan
About Fostering Success Michigan
Fostering Success Michigan (FSM), a program of Educate Tomorrow, is a statewide initiative that aims to increase access and success in higher education for students with experience in foster care.

Fostering Success Michigan
FSM provides resources, support, and networking opportunities for professionals, supportive adults, and youth with experience in foster care.
The Need
In Michigan only 13% of youth with experience in foster care complete college and earn degrees. (FSM data, 2021)

Nationally, although 80% of foster youth aspire to attend college, only about 20% get there 2
In Michigan, youth in foster care graduate from high school at a rate of 40%, compared to 80% of their general population peers 3
Fostering Success Michigan knows that more specific support and services are required to help these students overcome extremely difficult circumstances and that education is the leading predictor of adult success.

FSM Program and Resources
Fostering Success Michigan was established in 2012 at Western Michigan University as a collaboration of campuses, agencies, and professionals who were interested in figuring out the best ways to support students with experience in foster care in college. With generous support from The Kresge Foundation, the Havirmill Foundation, and others, a statewide collective impact initiative was launched to increase postsecondary access and success for students with experience in foster care by building a statewide network of support across college campuses and within local communities.
In Michigan, approximately 30 campuses across the state provide on campus support for students who have experienced the foster care system. FSM oversees and convenes this network of campuses to share best practices and elevate the challenges and resources of students with experience in foster care in Michigan.

In 2018, FSM transitioned from Western Michigan University to The New Foster Care, providing a bridge for FSM to continue programming, while working to identify a permanent home that would ensure long-term sustainability and an opportunity to scale nationally.
In 2021 with the support of The New Foster Care, FSM transitioned to a national organization, Educate Tomorrow, that facilitates a statewide initiative similar to FSM in Florida. This new partnership represents an innovative, multistate collaboration focused on the identification of best practices and programming, sharing of resources, and long-term sustainability for campus-based support programs and backbone organizations, both statewide and nationally.
Fostering Success Michigan provides Technical Assistance, Professional Development and Networking, Strategic Convenings, and Student Support for youth and alumni of foster care. Get started by searching their library and network.
It can be hard to navigate education, jobs - and everything else in between - for youth and alumni of foster care. There are resources available to help you every step of the way. You can access resources specific to an age or a topic you'd like to learn more about.
There are many campuses across Michigan that offer support to students with experience in foster care. Each of the campuses offer unique services that may include coaching, mentoring, advocacy, student activities, housing, scholarships, and more!

"Fostering Success Michigan is proud to continue to have a strong partnership with TNFC in support of helping their participants to access postsecondary resources in Michigan."
-Karie Ward
Director, Fostering Success Michigan

FSM continues to partner with TNFC, by providing postsecondary coaching support to clients served by TNFC. If you are a professional or student who is interested in learning more about the college resources available to young people with experience in foster care in Michigan, please visit FosteringSuccessMichigan.com or reach out to us at FSM@fosteringsuccessmichigan.com